UIPI coorganised events on renewable energy communities
Brussels, 28 and 30 September 2022
In the context of soaring energy bills and the insecure energy supply future, property owners need to find new solutions to both contribute to tackling the new energy challenges and alleviate the growing financial burden of their energy bills. In that respect, the deployment of renewables at local and building level appears more and more to be a solution explored and adopted by individual households and local communities.
To discuss these issues, UIPI organised two events end of September to discuss the future and challenges of renewable energy communities. These events were the occasion to discuss the implementation of the current energy communities related EU legislation, assess existing national challenges and identify how local authorities can contribute, in association with property owners, to the deployment of those communities.
Boosting energy communities in the EU
Renewable energy communities are considered to be a way to contribute to guaranteeing more secure local energy systems by potentially being more resilient and capable of absorbing external shocks. They are seen at the forefront of employing models which reduce citizens’ energy bills, create local economic gain and encourage more energy sobriety. But how do they work in practice? What are the legal and practical challenges linked to their deployment at national and local level?
In association with Housing Europe and within the NRG2peers project, the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) organised a workshop on “Boosting energy communities in the EU” in Brussels on 28 September 2022.
This half-day conference brought together leading experts on energy communities from across the EU to discuss the next steps in upscaling and mainstreaming energy communities and will also offer a unique networking opportunity for those involved and interested in energy communities!

Overview 1 Municipality - 1 REC: can it be Done?
On 30 September, in the context of the European Sustainable Energy Week, UIPI joined ICLEI and REScoop.EU workshop. The goal was to carry a reality check and discuss transferable solutions, their barriers and drivers, and what kinds of policies need to be in place to enable renewable energy communities to truly make a contribution to making Europe more energy-resilient, more climate-friendly, more just and inclusive of younger and older generations alike.
The event aims to enhance policy dialogue around the transposition and implementation of the European Commission’s Renewable Energy Directive and focuses on how enabling frameworks for RECs can be boosted in line with the urgency instilled by the EU Solar Strategy and the REPower EU Plan. It is aimed at politicians, policy makers, policy advisory organisations at various governance levels, as well as community energy stakeholders across Europe.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 890345.