UIPI Experts

Capitalising on our knowledge

our network of experts

Beside the vast knowledge and expertise of the members of its Executive Committee, UIPI has a large European network of national real estate experts. They are lawyers, economists, fiscal experts, engineers etc. who help UIPI accomplish its mission. They specialize in various relevant to property sectors, covering a wide area of expertise such as: 

  • Technical Matters – Building Renovations, Energy Savings
  • Rental Legislation
  • Condominium – Multi-ownership Regulation
  • Fiscal Issues – Property Taxation
  • Membership Services Issues

Dr. Apostolos Efthymiadis

Energy and building technologies – GR

Corinna Kodim

Energy, Environment and building technologies – DE

Rikard Silverfur

Building Regulation and Sustainability – SE

Tassos Vappas

Property Taxation – GR

George Strovolides

Property Taxation – CY

Inka-Marie Storm

Housing and Rental Law – DE

Vassiliki Paradias

Rental Law - GR

Vincenzo Nasini

Condominium Law – IT

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