EU Sustainable Energy Week - UIPI Event
Scaling up deep energy retrofit markets towards 2030 targets
18 June 2019, Brussels
On 18 June 2019 between 16.00 and 17.30, UIPI will co-organise a Policy Conference session during the European Sustainable Energy Week. The European Sustainable Energy Week is the most important event of the Commission on renewable energy and energy efficiency which is attended every year by hundreds of participants from all over Europe.

The EU is funding various projects on issues around energy efficiency and building renovation. Yet, while similar projects address the same challenges, there is little or no information exchange and collaboration between them. Additionally, the question remains of how much feedback these projects provide to policy makers and thus how they effectively support reaching EU 2030 targets and the long-term objective of decarbonising the building stock by 2050.
In light of the aforementioned information, the Policy Conference will bring together experiences from seven Horizon 2020 projects on energy renovation of the buildings sector and will facilitate an interactive dialogue that enables the creation of synergies and possibilities to cooperate and share valuable knowledge. The session is not about project presentations per se. Instead, projects’ representatives will answer questions set up by a panel of policy makers and stakeholders, including property owners, local representatives and architects. This event’s dual goal is to give voice to the specific concerns and needs of stakeholders, whilst highlighting the strengths and possible challenges of these projects.

European Commission | Charlemagne Building | Rue de la Loi, 170 – 1000 Brussels | Belgium