UIPI-Confedilizia Parliamentary Event
Tax Policy and Economic Growth: Does it really matter?
25 September, Brussels
Hosted by the MEP Lara Comi, Vice-Chair of the EPP
Following the need for stronger economic governance and coordination at EU level, national taxation policy became one of the key policies monitored through the European Semester. A common policy recommendation from the European Commission and other international institutions is to shift taxes away from labour to tax bases which are considered less detrimental to growth.
The purpose of this event is to bring into the discussion new empirical evidence on the relationship between taxation, tax shift and growth. At this occasion, we will present a study demonstrating that while a negative and substantial relationship between the overall tax revenue and growth can be identified in some cases, no significant and robust relations between various types of revenue-neutral tax shift and growth can be established.

Also speaking
MEP Markus Ferber – Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Giorgio Spaziani Testa – President of Confedilizia
Stratos Paradias – President of the International Union of Property Owners
Prof. Riccardo Puglisi – Professor of Economics at the University of Pavia
Prof. Micael Castanheira – Professor of Microeconomics and Political Economy at the Free University of Brussels

European Parliament | Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP 5E-3) | 1040 Brussels | Belgium
Meeting point for accreditation:
Altiero Spinelli Building (Esplanade Simone Veil- Place du Luxembourg) at 13:40