UIPI-SNPC Information Seminar
Energy Renovation of Condominiums: Overview of European Initiatives
28 February 2019
Brussels, Belgium
On 28 February, UIPI and its Belgian member, the Syndicat National des Propriétaires et Copropriétaires, have organised a workshop to take stock of several EU initiatives aiming at promoting the renovation of Belgian multi-apartment buildings and identifying how Belgian co-owners could benefit from them.

The renovation of multi-apartment buildings in Belgium and in Europe is a real challenge. Renovation in this sector is difficult due to a wide range of reasons: the complex decision-making structure, the heterogeneity of owners, the limited financial capacity of the co-owners or the co-owners’ associations compared to the substantial investments needed for such renovations, as well as the lack of specific funding scheme or financial instrument for condominium associations. Yet, the energy transition and the EU objective to decarbonise the European building stock will not happen if suitable solutions are not found for this specific sector.
This state of play is increasingly evident to the public authorities. Many local, national and European initiatives are emerging to answer this specific need. However, these scattered initiatives are not always coordinated, even at European level. Therefore, this workshop aimed at inventorying what is out there, in Brussels and in the rest of Belgium, to support the renovation of Belgian condominiums. During the workshop, several EU funded initiatives aiming at facilitating decisions in general assemblies, or proposing a full package solutions for renovation (including the financing of the initial audit, advice to select professionals and access public funding) were presented.
This workshop was also the final event of the ABRACADABRA project. Its concept offers a good alternative for condominiums, especially in dense areas, to finance energy efficiency renovation through building extensions, and the installation of renewables allowing for additional incomes through the sale or rent of the right to build or of new units. Originally destined to the condominium professional managers accredited by the SNPC, this event ended to be a good occasion to show the constructive approach of UIPI and SNPC when it comes to energy efficiency renovation. At the same time the seminar also tried to demonstrate our willingness to find suitable solutions for our members.